- B.Sc. (Materials Science) + B.A (in physics) 1998 (Haifa, Technion)
- M.Sc. (Materials Science) 2002 (Haifa, Technion)
- Ph.D. (Materials Science) 2006 (Haifa, Technion)
- Room EM/13
- Tel/Fax: +972-4-8294567
- e-mail: mtyaron@technion.ac.il
- Homepage: https://mtyaron.com
After receiving my PhD, I joined the technical staff of the electron microscopy center at the department of materials science and engineering at the Technion. I’m in charge of the transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and i’m deeply involved in many research studies in the Technion which involve TEM work.
- Investigation of various types of materials (ceramic, semiconductors, metals and polymers) with different methods (such as HRTEM, HRSTEM, EELS and EFTEM).
- Development of image processing software for analysis of HRTEM micrographs.
- In-situ TEM heating experiments.
- Development of methods to improve the quality of TEM samples.
- Ordering at model solid-liquid interfaces using HRTEM imaging and EELS spectroscopy.
- Development of software for digital image matching for quantitative analysis of high resolution TEM micrographs.